We are now a Microsoft Showcase School!
We are very proud that Wycombe Abbey School Hong Kong has been awarded ‘Microsoft Showcase School’ status. Since early in 2020 we have been working hard to achieve all the very exacting standards required by Microsoft to qualify. Our use and development of the Teams and OneNote technologies as the foundation of our online learning provision has been a core aspect of our success. We have also held to our ongoing commitment to staff training and development using the Microsoft Education Centre Courses. Most members of staff are Microsoft Innovative Educators, (M.I.E). Some have achieved ‘Expert’ status, (MIEE). WASHK continues to drive forward, committed to the focused application of technology in education. Throughout the teaching day our children use all kinds of tools and technologies to help them innovate, problem solve and work together with others to find better solutions to challenges and scenarios given to them. All of this provision is backed-up by the daily use of tablet technology in daily lessons.
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